Can i patent an idea without a prototype?

In today's world, it is more important than ever to protect your intellectual property. Ideas are a valuable commodity, and if someone can steal or replicate your invention without you getting credit, you could lose out big time. That's why it's so important to patent your invention as soon as possible.
In order to patent an invention, you do not need to have a prototype. The patent office in your or other country will review your application and determine whether or not it is novel and inventive enough to be granted a patent. This means that you can file for a patent without having a prototype.

How do i explain the invention without a prototype to the patent office?
There are a few specific parts that are included in a patent. First, the patent must include a written description of the invention, as well as drawings or illustrations if necessary.
The patent must also include a detailed description of the invention. This part of the patent is extremely important; it must not only describe what the invention does, but how it does it. It should be worded in such a way that someone skilled in the technical field of the invention can replicate it. The detailed description should include steps that explain the invention in detail. This part of the patent is longer than the summary-it could take up several pages or more if necessary.
Finally, drawings are often necessary for complex inventions. The drawings cannot be hand drawn-they must be professional, and they should include a legend. The drawings must show every material used in the invention, as well as every step of the process.
However, there is no requirement that an inventor have a working prototype or model before filing for a patent. In fact, most patent offices will still consider a patent application without a model or prototype, so long as the patent makes sense and is presented in an organised and professional manner. If you have been working on an invention and can't afford to create a prototype, don't worry you can still get a patent!